Falling Knife will be sampling their Minnesota-Made THC Seltzers and Beers at the tasting bar.
Ganja will be hosting a class on the making of THC seltzers and the difference between Delta 9 and Cannabis.
CANN will be sampling their Cannabis-Infused Social Tonics at the tasting bar.
Ganja will be sampling their Minnesota-Made THC Seltzer at the tasting bar.
You Betcha will be sampling their Minnesota THC beverages at the tasting bar.
Come make cocktails with Earl Giles using their spirits and THC Seltzers (undosed in the class). Sign-up in store with the cashiers for $10.00 and receive 500 rewards points ($10.00 store credit) with attendance.
Hetii will be sampling their Minnesota-made THC Seltzers at the tasting bar.
Insight Brewing will be sampling their Minnesota-Made beers and THC products at the tasting bar.