Lakes & Legends
- On August 17, 2016
With all the breweries opening around the Twin Cities in the last couple of years, it’s easy to overlook some. One not to miss is Lakes & Legends. You might not expect a craft brewery to be located on the first floor of a luxury apartment building, but we can’t think of anything else we’d rather come home to after a long day at work! We must not be the only one feeling that, as they’ve been open just a shade under a year now and already have an expansion plan in motion.
Their year- round beers are all Belgian farmhouse and Trappist ale inspired, and the nuance of them is spot on. Co-founders Ethan Applen and Derrick Taylor roped in head brewer Andrew Dimery, who spent time previously at both Bluegrass and Sun King breweries. After testing batch after batch they ended up with 4 permanent beers in their rotation. Stop by their tasting on Saturday from 4-6 to see what you think of the final products!
Harmony Farm is a classic saison, with a light body but spicy, funky/barnyard-y flavors from the yeast to keep it lively. The yeast also gives it an inherent fruitiness which complements the other flavors well. One of the all-time great beer styles to pair with food, and this one suits the bill to a tee. ($9.99/4pk)
Great Wit North has a little softer touch to it, and is true to tradition with coriander & orange peel joining the barley and wheat mash. It has a sweetness to it, there’s no doubt, but the citrus zest and coriander spice keep the brew crisp, fresh and not cloying. A hint of grassiness helps in this endeavor also. ($9.99/4pk)
Marigold takes the beers to the next level. It’s a Belgian Golden Strong Ale, so it ramps the ABV right on up. It’s a not-too- stiff 7.7%, but doesn’t really drink it at all. It is fairly light-bodied still, and there is a fresh apple flavor that combines with a sort of dandelion green bitterness that is surprisingly tasty. ($10.99/750ml)
St. Gail really throws the lineup for a loop in that it is not actually technically a beer. It is a Braggot, which is a form of Mead that also incorporates beer as a portion of the final product. St. Gail in particular is a raspberry Braggot, which takes the honeyed quality and adds a jammy raspberry note in. It takes all that and adds a mild tartness and hint of Belgian yeast flavors in to keep it all balanced. Super pink and super yummy. ($10.99/750ml)