Oliphant Beer Tasting

Zipps Liquors 2618 E Franklin Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Oliphant will be in the store sampling products.

Buch Hard Kombucha Tasting

Zipps Liquors 2618 E Franklin Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Minnesota based Buch Hard Kombucha will be in the store sampling products.

George Dickel Whiskey Tasting

Zipps Liquors 2618 E Franklin Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

A Brand Ambassador from George Dickel will be in the store sampling.

Broken Clock Beer Tasting

Zipps Liquors 2618 E Franklin Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

A Brand Ambassador from Broken Clock will be in the store sampling their MN Beer.

Class: A Makers Mark blending Event

Zipps Liquors 2618 E Franklin Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Along with the brand ambassador for Makers Mark, you will help blend our next barrel pick. Once in a lifetime opportunity! Cost $10, People who register and attend class will receive 500 Zipps Reward points, valued at $10 store credit. REGISTER HERE

Bald Man Brewing Beer Tasting

Zipps Liquors 2618 E Franklin Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

MN based Bald Man Brewing will be in the store sampling.

Class: An evening with the owner/winemaker of Grosgrain Winery

Zipps Liquors 2618 E Franklin Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Grosgrain is a wine company dedicated to championing underdog grapes, sparkling wines, restrained reds and sustainable farming practices When Matt decided to switch from his career to wine, they came to Washington, first to the Northwest Wine Academy in Seattle. A cellar master job at Dunham lured them to Walla Walla in 2017, and an […]

Castle Danger Beer Tasting

Zipps Liquors 2618 E Franklin Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Castle Danger will be in the store sampling.

Privateer Spirit Tasting

Zipps Liquors 2618 E Franklin Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Privateer will be in the store sampling products.

Old World Beer Tasting

Zipps Liquors 2618 E Franklin Ave, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Old World Beer will be in the store sampling products.